Let's be serious for a second here. If I told you that a dog could walk along a tightrope there's absolutely no way you'd believe me. I wouldn't believe me. In fact the first thing I'd do is check my temperature to make sure I wasn't having some sort of a brain melt. Well brain melt or no, dogs walking along slack lines is real. It's here … [Read more...]
Dog has mastered the stairs arcade style [video]
I'm not sure what to say about this video. I read the title "Dog walks up stairs 4 legs at the same time." and wasn't really sure what to expect. What does that even mean? I definitely couldn't have guessed this pup would have done this. We can only imagine having struggled with stairs for much of his early life, he was watching some throw back … [Read more...]
Awesome Dogs: They’re saying Jumpy is the most well trained dog in the world [video]
Welcome to our second awesome dog feature [hint.. we're guessing Jumpy will make some repeat appearances]. Omar Von Muller is a dog trainer to the stars. According to his site: The relationship between a dog and its owner is a unique bond. Omar von Muller a respected and successful animal trainer, uses training techniques he has personally … [Read more...]