
Brrr! Let’s keep that doggy active and warm during the winter months.

Image of puppy in snow

Puppy in snow - http://www.flickr.com/photos/laserstars/3086132328/

Image Credit: Flickr: John Talbot

During the winter months we two-footers tend to slow down a little. It’s cold and daylight is in short supply, can you blame us? We tend to stay indoors more and vege out. But our doggy friends still need to get their exercise and play. And let’s face it what’s good for them is good for us too. So, here are some tips and ideas on keeping your dog warm and active during the winter.

First some general tips:

Staying Outside

Larger dogs with thick coats are quite happy to stay outside during the winter months, this includes breeds such as Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies, Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds.

Leaving your dog outside? Here are some things to consider:

Keeping Active Outside

It is very important to keep your dog active during the winter months as a sedentary dog is more susceptible to illness or injuries. Most dogs enjoying playing in the snow and this will burn a lot of energy. Afterwards, dry your dog well and check for snow balls in your dog’s fur and between his foot pads.

Some dogs have a more difficult time generating and retaining enough body heat on their own, such as smaller dogs, elderly or chronically ill dogs, and dogs with short fur. An extra layer in the form of a jacket or sweater will protect these dogs from the cold. In addition to a sweater, your dog could benefit from booties to protect his feet from frostbite, prevent the build-up of snow balls between the foot pads, and protect his feet from salt or chemicals used by people in their snow removal efforts.

Tips on choosing doggy clothes:

Keeping Active Indoors

On days you can’t go outside due to the weather, you’ll have to meet the dog’s need for play and exercise indoors. Here are some ideas to get you started:

As you can see, your dog can thrive even during the cold winter months. There are wonderful choices in doggy clothes for extra protection, heated dog beds and water bowls can keep your outside dog happy, and with a bit of creativity your dog and you will have plenty of fun indoors too.

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