The Truth
Chihuahuas are often mistaken to be a nervous or anxious breed. But that might just be because of their shaking habits. Often times, the true reason behind your Chihuahua’s shakes is actually due to their metabolism, and the fact that they are simply cold.
Real Reasons and What to do About them
So, why do Chihuahuas shake? Well, there may be several reasons behind this.
Physical Characteristics and Conditions
First of all, Chihuahuas, due to their small size, have a higher metabolism that burns fuel fast. Compared to a large 150-pound dog, an active Chihuahua can burn three times the amount of calories per pound. A little jittery energy-packed bundle of joy. But hang on, doesn’t a high metabolism lead to an increase in blood flow and therefore an increase in body temperature? It sure does. But the high ratio of surface area to body mass in Chihuahua’s leads to that energy dissipating quickly. This means they release that heat quickly leading to feeling cold, and you guessed it, shaking.
Secondly, Chihuahuas are just plain sensitive to cold temperatures. It’s the whole, they just don’t have a lot of chunk to them, thing. So, if you are cold then your Chihuahua is definitely colder than you. Often, even if you don’t feel that it’s particularly cold, this doesn’t mean your little pet is warm. But when the temperature is ranging from 35-40 degrees Fahrenheit (1-4 degrees Celsius), then you need to wrap your chihuahua into a warm cover. Of course, there are other ways to keep your friend warm.
You can:
- Ensure they have enough bedding
- Have a heater near their sleeping space
- Always have with you a sweater or a jacket
- Bring up the temperature of your home
- Hug your chihuahua and hold them close
Low Blood Sugar or Hypoglycemia may be another cause for the shaking. Because of their active play hard lifestyle, they have a tendency to burn through their fuel fast. Frankly, their little tummies just can’t hold much food compared to their larger dog counterparts. If the shaking is uncontrollable and followed by a consistent lack of energy, then take your Chihuahua to the vet and have them check for hypoglycemia. This is nothing to worry about, though, and your pet’s doctor will tell you how to easily deal with this condition. Appropriate sugar supplements that can be rubbed on their gums may be recommended by your vet to handle emergency situations and longer-term a change in diet may be recommended.
Another condition that may cause the shakes is an allergic reaction. If you’ve just given your pet a new type of food and they react by shaking, then watch them closely. It might just be that they are happy and excited, but if the shakes persist and you notice additional alarming symptoms, then you need advice from a vet.
Psychological Characteristics and Training
Even excitement can get your Chihuahua into a shaking frenzy. If they notice they will be offered a treat, taken for a walk, or are about to do any other activity that they love doing, get ready for those shakes. This is nothing to worry about! Your Chihuahua is just so happy that it shakes and that is a normal way for it to express itself.
Poor social skills may also lead to this. If you haven’t trained your pet properly, then meeting other dogs and even people may cause them stress which in turn makes them shiver. This can also simply be related to their small size in relation to other dogs. Godzilla chasing after me would make me shake and shiver too. Regardless, make sure your Chihuahua learns proper socialization skills and do all you can to boost their confidence.
Lastly, even though Chihuahuas are not generally easily scared, which actually depends on their training, if they were frightened or experienced extreme stress, they might begin to shake. This just means you need to take special care of your furry friend and soothe your Chihuahua. Give them time and love so that can relax and calm down. The stressful situations may include the presence of a large dog or simply a dog they do not know and are not comfortable with. You should approach this situation carefully and ensure your pet is prepared for these types of situations.
Now you Know
Learning about all the reasons that may cause your Chihuahua’s shaking should offer you knowledge on how to proceed the next time your pet exhibits this behavior.
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